Friday, May 4, 2012

Video Art Comments

Cat: Her video has a nice maternal message that is also motivational. I also like how she wears the UT hat because it shows where she's coming from

Michelle: She uses really cool video technique and I like how she incorporated a technique we learned in class. It's also vey cute and funny. It's very creative as well.

Megan: It's very creative with a good message that she can pull from deep down. I got out of it that it involves body image and models and the ideal body type. I like how it involves past, present, and future video clips because women in all generation want to be thin but in reality, nobody is perfect.

Juan: It is extremely powerful and somewhat relatable. He uses creative animation and it amazes me that he did it all on photoshop.

Lauren: Her video was very cute and brought back childhood memories. I like the message that every girl wanted to be a princess, yet it is sad that life doesn't turn out like a fairytale. I especially like that her dad played piano in the background. It was beautiful.

James: The music was absolutely fabulous. It was creative and flowed well. I like the message-we all have a child inside of us

Maria: It was very powerful and deep. It had a strong message especially on political terms. Artistically, the looping was well done.

Kimberly: Her video was highly creative and very intense. It is amazing that she thought to do that while in the hospital.

Erin: It had great visuals and nice colors. It was creative and made in an artistic way. I really liked it because it reflected her personality.

Nakota: Her video was very creative and meaningful by incorporating her family. I especially like the timing of the music with each clip.

Chris: It was very creative and passionate as well as powerful. He really broke out of his shell by singing. He was really brave and really let his emotions pour out. I like how the video created closure.

Brian: Good cut up of music and sounds. It really shows his passion.

Sabrina: Her video, though long, was creative and had strong messages. I really like the simplicity of it.

Cody: He used a lot of creativity and good animation.

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